#Life lessons

Affirm your way to the top.

I can’t remember the first time I heard the word “affirmation” but I know that the moment I realised how powerful words are, I became cautious of what I said and what I let others say to me. “what you say can preserve life or destroy it so you must accept the consequences of your […]

#Life lessons

Lies we tell !!!

Have u ever wondered how different things would be if you were more honest with yourself? I was having a phone conversation with my friend and the highlight for me was our discussion on the limiting beliefs that had stumped our growth as millennials. 1. Relationships don’t matter. Listen I have been on this boat […]

#Life lessons

P is for Patience

Hiii besties, I hope this meets you well. In my last post, i spoke about how I struggled with doing so many things at a time. Today, I’m grateful I have decided to stop stressing and let God lead. Finding your rhythm can be quiet stressful when your relying on your limited knowledge. Sticking with […]

#Life lessons

The Struggle is Real

Hey besties, welcome to the month of May. I have three family members and lots of friends born in May and so oftentimes, I associate may with the month of groove. Let me be honest with you. I’ve been lazy. You see, being indoors is an introvert’s dream and if you are anything like me, […]

#Life lessons

What’s your worth???

Be honest, when you hear the phrase self worth, what comes to mind? Let me go first. For the longest time, I thought self worth was related only to the way I saw and valued myself in a relationship but apparently, its more than that. This will be quite lengthy but please read through. Self […]