#Life lessons

Expectations !!!

Hi besties,

Its safe to say, I have become obsessed with weekends😍( for obvious reasons). What’s going on with you today? Are you neck deep in chores, playing catch up with friends, family and movies or simply relaxing and getting taken care of😉 ?

I woke to a cold rainy morning and I couldn’t be happier because its the perfect excuse to lay in bed and be lazy. I said my prayers, did a little Instagramming 🤐,rushed through my chores and jumped on my bed to talk to you.

I can’t believe august is almost over because memories of me being confused and depressed in January still linger on(sighs).

With the curtains of august drawing to a close, I find myself being reflective. Thankful for life , for the opportunity to be here today and for the gift of good health. Because if there’s one thing 2020 thought us, its to relish the important things in life like having a relationship with God and having the blessing of breathing without assistance.

I would admit I didn’t make a list or set specific time bound goals at the beginning of this year but regardless I still had expectations. The funny thing about expectations is we never realise how much emphasis we’ve placed on them till we get disappointed.

I know covid switched it up for a lot of people but its safe to say that there is still hope. With every unmet expectation realise that God has something greater in store. Like Udo Okonjo once said, “if its not the best then its not the end”. So while you might be thinking of this and that disappointment, worrying and complaining about situations out of your control, choose to surrender to the one who has the solution, submit to God and trust him to give peace to your troubled heart.

Come to me , all you who are heavily burdened and I will give you rest…

Matthew 11: 28 AMP

Let Go of your plans and let God weave your tale like only he can. Realise that nothing about our life catches him by surprise. Every thing about our lives the good,the bad and and the ugly is necessary for out story to be complete.

So rather than complain, envy,be bitter or sad about unmet expectations why not just give thanks. For the little and big things , for the fact that we have been given today to make the rest of our lives , the best version possible.

Don’t just think about gratitude. Write it down because if your eyes can see it, your mind can believe it.

If this encouraged you in any way, please feel free to like , share and leave comments.

Have an amazing weekend.

love nnedi💕

By sharelifewithnnedi

Nnedi is a lawyer, writer and lifestyle blogger based in Nigeria. She's committed to inspiring others to live their best life through sharing content on faith, relationships and personal development as she navigates her way through life.

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